The home inspector inspects the following items:

  • The Electrical System
  • The Heater/Boiler System
  • The Plumbing System
  • The Foundation / Framing
  • The Roof
  • Walls and Ceilings
  • Windows and Doors
  • The Siding
  • Insulation
  • Exterior
  • Attic
  • Driveway
  • Garage
  • Grading
  • Basement/Crawl Spaces
  • Interior – Water Penetration

They are not included in the home inspection cost. They are additional services that we offer. The termite inspections with a home inspection are $95.00 and radon testing with a home inspection is $145.00.

The home inspection price depends on the square footage of the home and the year in which it was built. Additional charges are added for duplex + multi unit properties and also commercial spaces.

We highly recommend you attend the home inspection. The home inspection is an educational experience, where you not only learn about the condition of the home that day, you also learn how to maintain it moving forward. By attending the inspection, you are able to ask as many questions as you want. We encourage you to attend and take advantage of having a building expert there with you.

The length of the inspection depends on a few factors. The size and age of the home and if anyone is attending the inspection. On average our inspections last about 2 hours.

We have inspectors with all types of backgrounds. Areas of experience include: roofing, electrical, plumbing, building maintenance, pest control, home restoration and general contracting. Concerned about a particular part of the home? When scheduling, mention your concern and we will place you with the appropriate inspector!

Our inspection reports include several pictures provided from the inspection, estimates of repairs, a whole index of home maintenance tips and post inspection procedures.

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas in that air that is in fact, the second leading cause of lung cancer. The radioactive gas results from decay of uranium found in trace amounts in soil, rock and water. Radon is only a threat inside your home, not outside. If radon enters your home or other buildings, it can accumulate to dangerous levels. Since a large amount of our time is spent in our home, this can pose a serious health risk and is why you should get your home tested!

A house can not fail a home inspection. A home inspection is a visual examination and objective assessment of the current condition of the house. A home inspector will describe the physical condition and indicate what components and systems may need repair or replacement.

The seller is not required to make all repairs that are found in the inspection report, except those which address structural defects, serious safety issues or building code violations. You are allowed to back out of the sale if you find serious issues and are uncomfortable with them.

Cosmetic defects are not required to be repaired by the seller. You are welcome to ask the seller to make cosmetic repairs, but they are allowed to refuse correction.

Home inspections do not include a comprehensive overview of pools, fences and outside structures. Home inspectors recommend specialized inspectors for those. The home inspector may be able to provide insight for these areas, but will always recommend a professional in that field.

You definitely need a home inspection with an old as well as a new home. Although, the home is newly built doesn’t mean it was built correctly. Issues are often found in new construction. It’s important to have a home inspector take a look to uncover any issues.

Yes, we recommend a pre listing inspection. By getting a home inspection before listing your house, this allows sellers to make any suggested repairs ahead of time. This helps the sellers with their asking price and can also reduce liability for any new findings.