
Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas is a natural byproduct of decaying uranium. Radon is present in nearly all soil at some level, and the air we breathe every day contains small amounts of radon. Nevertheless, exposure to high levels of radon gas can cause lung cancer. When radon gas enters your home, it can become trapped and build up, exposing you and your family to the high levels required to cause lung cancer.<\/p>\r\n

Radon testing is the only way to tell if your home has high levels of radon. A radon inspection from Eagle Inspections can alert you to a problem so you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family from this silent killer.<\/p>\r\n

Who Should Have a Radon Inspection?<\/h2>\r\n

No home is immune to problems with radon; having a professional inspection done by certified professionals using high-tech equipment is the only way to thoroughly uncover the hidden danger of radon. Every homeowner should have a radon inspection. New home buyers should require professional radon tests on the home they plan to purchase so mitigation steps can be taken, if necessary, before occupancy begins. Don’t take shortcuts with your family’s health and safety; get the job done right.<\/p>\r\n

What Can You Expect from a Radon Inspection?<\/h2>\r\n

A radon test takes 48 to run. Inspectors will come to your home and place a radon detector in a location of their choosing. The detector needs to sit undisturbed for the duration of the test. During the 48 hours the monitor is working, you should adhere to the following guidelines:<\/p>\r\n