Composed of certified home professionals, Eagle Inspections is a fully operating home inspection company that ensures your home meets local and national standards for sanitation and health and safety.
Purchasing a new home is exciting, but also exhausting because of all the details that you have to go through to make sure that the home that you are purchasing will meet the city or county’s requirements and especially your own standards.
Home inspection prior to buying is important so that you will not have foreseen problems in the future like:
The Eagle Inspection is always there for your needs and will guarantee you that they are the right company for the job.
Eagle Inspection will do a complete home inspection leaving nothing less to be checked. This is the kind of company that you can rely on.
1. Electrical Inspections - your main focus will be the electrical box itself, making sure you have the proper main amperage for the house. The connections within the box are properly connected, no sign of shortage, the box is grounded properly, and the individual breakers are at the proper amperage size for what they are powering to. You have to check all your outlets and lights to make sure that they are wired properly and that is effortlessly done by just plugging in a tool (plug detector).
2. Plumbing Inspections – the first thing you have to inspect is the sewer! Are you on the city sewer or septic tank? Because if you are on a septic system that will be a whole another inspection in itself. Here are few tips to consider knowing on what to do:
5. Roof Inspection – identifying what kind of roof you have, is it clay tile roof, an asphalt shingle roof, metal roof, slate roof, solar tiles, concrete tiles, green roof and the like. Now you know what kind of roof you have, now you have to check if the shingles or tiles are rotten, damaged, crumbling or old. If it is a metal roof, you have to check that the overlapping is sealed and the screws are secured to the roof. You should also inspect the gutters to make sure it is working properly and not clog. Check the eaves too and make sure that it keeps the rain off the wall. Eagle inspection will check it for you.
6. Paint Inspection is usually done by checking uneven paint surfaces, spills, splatters on floors. Also consider checking chips on paints, cracking paints, what paints used and the most important that it is not lead base.
3. Termite Inspections – as a homeowner you cannot really do it properly, you need a skilled person to do it, this is part of Eagle Inspections job. They will look for termite damage within the window sills, door sills and behind cabinets, or other areas where termites usually hide. Trust them because most houses in America are made of wood, so they include that in their line of job.
4. Structural Inspections consist of checking the window frames, door frames, poor building work, poor materials used or structural faults that have developed since the house was built. Make sure you do not have an uneven floor, squeaky stairs and nails sticking out to hurt your foot. The warped ceilings are sometimes unnoticed.
Common Structural Damages
7. Landscaping and Drainage Inspection – these consist of checking the trees for rot, rubbish piles, garbage, and the yard is slope properly away from the house for drainage purposes.
This is just the overview of the main systems. There is a lot to do in inspecting a home and should be done by a license professional. This company has all the schooling and qualifications to perform the proper home inspections. This will make it easier for you too. Hiring the professionals to check your house will give you ease and peace.
Some companies are very liable and dependable on the Home Inspection, that will assure you with NO hassles for you of doing all these. It will be easier for you and will give you so much time to prepare for moving to your new home.
Peace of Mind to the new homeowner is A+ and that is what Eagle Inspection has to offer when you let us handle your home inspection in Media, PA, so why wait?
You can be confident that our Home Inspection Experts have the skills and tools required to address any of your worries regarding residential inspection services.
Trust Eagle Inspections LLC in Philadelphia, PA and make an appointment today! Contact our team at (267) 538-2292 if you'd like more info about our new home inspection services. We'll reply to you as soon as we can.
We Make Your Dream Home True. Call Us Now!