First and foremost, having a home inspection done even when not selling your home in the Philadelphia or New Jersey area can help you catch repairs. Catching repairs early can help keep costs low and help you get ahead of any major issues. When finding and addressing a problem early on, it can help you correct the issue before turning into a full-blown concern.

Additionally, some issues aren’t apparent to the naked eye. Eagle Inspections, an inspector in Philadelphia, and their tools can help identify hidden problems that could lead to headaches down the road.

Saving money and budgeting for future repairs? Sounds like a win to us!

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home inspectors in philadelphia and new jersey

Comprehensive Home Inspections

Inspectors offer a comprehensive service beyond just examining structural integrity; they’re equipped to assess potentially harmful elements like radon. They can then suggest next steps to help keep your family and your home safe. This goes for mold as well. An inspector can provide a surface mold test to help you find areas to treat before it becomes more serious. By identifying these hazards, they can recommend preventive measures to safeguard your family and home.

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plumbing system home inspection in philly

Major Home Systems Inspection

Checking major systems is also a great reason to have your home inspected. An inspector will evaluate the HVAC system, plumbing, electrical systems, roof, and foundation. This will give you a complete understanding of the condition of your home and can help you plan for any future repairs or upgrades.

Knowing everything is working correctly will ease any qualms; it’s good to know for any future informational purposes. So, having your home inspected is always a good idea, even if you’re not looking to sell it anytime soon.

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peace of mind with quality home inspections in philly

Home Inspections = Peace of Mind

A home inspection is not just about meeting basic requirements; it’s an opportunity for an honest and detailed evaluation of your home’s condition. This thorough examination offers insights into aspects that may go unnoticed, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your property’s strengths and areas for improvement.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, an inspection grants invaluable peace of mind. Discovering the functionality, identifying necessary repairs, and ensuring safety measures are in place brings a profound sense of assurance. With this knowledge, homeowners can confidently navigate their living spaces, knowing they’ve taken proactive steps to maintain their property’s integrity and their family’s well-being.

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accurate home inspectors in philadelphia and new jersey

Reasons to Hire Home Inspectors

Whether you’re buying a new home, planning to sell your existing one, or want to ensure the safety and functionality of your home, an inspection is a must-have. At Eagle Inspections, we have a team of experienced home inspectors trained to identify any issues and provide an honest evaluation. We use the latest tools and technology to ensure thorough and accurate home inspections.

These are just a few of many reasons aside from selling to get a home inspection.

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Eagle Inspectors are local inspectors caring for our neighbors in the following locations:


New Jersey

  • Gloucester County
  • Camden County
  • Mercer County
  • Burlington County

So, you just bought your new home! Thoughts of painting, where to put what piece of furniture, and finding that perfect outdoor decoration may be flooding your brain, but don’t forget safety as well!

Home inspectors in Philadelphia act as a critical line of defense for new homeowners by thoroughly examining the property and providing insights into potential safety risks. Their role goes beyond identifying issues – it empowers homeowners with the knowledge needed to address concerns and maintain a secure living space. Here are a few tips to get started.

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new homeowner changing locks philadelphia

Get New Locks

First step – new locks! Sure, the former owners handed over the keys to you, but you don’t know who else out there had or still has keys to your new home. It’s important to change the locks once you move in for added security – and peace of mind! This can be done personally or professionally. If you notice the hardware is older, it might be a good idea to replace it altogether. While you’re at it, remember to change the code on the garage door opener if needed and replace any remotes, as this is another area where potential intruders can gain access to your home.

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check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Next up are the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. You have a lot going on when moving into a new home; you definitely don’t want to let this important step slip through the cracks. Ensuring these devices are replaced is imperative to keeping your family and home safe. Setting a reminder to change the batteries regularly every six months is recommended.

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understand your hvac system

Is Your HVAC System Working?

Ensure your HVAC system is working properly as well. You definitely want to be sure your heating, ventilation, and AC are working when you need them most! This is particularly important during extreme weather conditions when you rely heavily on your HVAC system to keep you and your family comfortable.

fire extinguishers new homeowners

Fire Extinguishers

Another area that often is overlooked is fire extinguishers. It’s important to ensure they are charged and in good condition, or if you need to purchase one – plan to get one as soon as possible. When selecting a fire extinguisher, there are some features to consider, such as ratings for types of fires, sizing for your home, and more. Once purchased, check, and replace at least once a year!

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water shut off valve

Understand Your Water and Electrical System

An important step to take is to ensure you are aware of how to turn your water on and off by utilizing the shut-off valve. If a pipe bursts or plumbing work needs to be done, it’s crucial you know how to perform this critical step fast. The same goes for your electrical system. Make sure any breakers are correctly labeled. If not, don’t forget to test and label so you can move quickly if needed.

outdoor lighting landscape for security


Working our way to the outdoors, light up that new landscape! This can help deter criminals from entering your yard. You can place lights in both the front and back yards, lining pathways, surrounding the garage and/or shed, and other areas.

Your options are endless. You can utilize motion-activated lights, save energy by using solar-powered lights, set lights on a timer, and much more! The choice is yours!

The Role Home Inspections Play During Your Home-Buying Journey

home inspection in Philly from businesses like Eagle Inspections plays a pivotal role in the journey of new homeowners by providing thorough assessments and valuable insights into the condition of their property. By relying on the expertise of a qualified home inspector, new

homeowners can gain peace of mind, knowing that potential safety concerns have been identified and addressed. Investing in a professional home inspection not only safeguards the well-being of the residents but also contributes to long-term durability and security. 

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protect home and family with these safety tips

Protect Your New Home and Family

As a new homeowner, it’s important to remember that regular maintenance and vigilance are key to ensuring the safety and security of your new home. You can stay proactive by scheduling regular check-ups and updating security systems to keep your home safe. It’s also essential to stay informed about any local safety guidelines to ensure you take all necessary precautions. By keeping your home well-maintained, you’re taking crucial steps toward creating a safe and comfortable living environment for yourself and your family. So, don’t forget to follow these few tips to protect your family and property when moving into your new home. Start the year and your homeownership with confidence and peace of mind!

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Embarking on a journey towards energy efficiency not only benefits the environment but also offers tangible savings on your energy bills. In the Philadelphia area, where weather extremes can impact energy consumption, adopting simple yet effective strategies can make a significant difference. It doesn’t take a large investment to make some easy changes within your home that will help lower the cost of your energy bill. Here are a few we recommend!

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save energy replace hvac filters

Let’s start with air filters.

Are you changing them regularly? If not, you should be! Filters remove dirt and dust from your home by trapping the debris within the filter. Because of this, you should replace your filter regularly. HVAC filters should be changed every three months. A dirty filter can increase your energy bill due to increased heating and cooling – wasting so much energy! Don’t forget about the filters within your AC units and furnace as well. Setting a reminder on your phone or in your calendar can be helpful. You can purchase them on Amazon and set up automatic delivery, so you won’t even have to think about it.

Doing so can help not only with your electricity bill but also with your health!

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seal window cracks

Next up – check those seals!

Air drafts can come through doors, windows, outlets, and other sneaky areas – all working your heating and cooling systems around the clock! Remedy this with caulking and weather stripping, a simple and inexpensive way to lower your energy bill.

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reduce electricity with LED lightbulbs philadelphia

LED Light Bulbs

Switching to LED lightbulbs is another simple yet effective way to reduce your electric bill. LED light bulbs use less energy and last longer. A win-win!

home inspection energy audit in philly

Don’t forget to request an energy audit.

Review the amount of electricity being used within your home. Call an expert – a home inspector in Philadelphia and surrounding regions can review possible air leaks and other areas, and your electric company can provide you with your usage audit. This is a great way to dig into your usage further to help find ways to save.

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decrease temp on thermostat to save energy usage

Turn Down the Thermostat

Other steps to help lower your energy usage are turning down the thermostat when you turn in for the evening, running your dishwasher at night, adding insulation, and much more!

Home Inspections Can Help!

Simple solutions to become more energy-efficient include using LED bulbs, sealing drafts, and unplugging electronics when not in use. Home inspections can identify energy leaks, inefficient appliances, and insulation issues, providing targeted solutions to lower energy bills.

There are many ways to help save energy and money regarding electrical usage. Being creative – and if you live in the Philadelphia, PA, area, calling in a professional like Eagle Inspections can help! Get started today!

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So, you scheduled your home inspection, and now it’s time to prepare your home! Deciding where to start can be overwhelming – we are here to help!


Home Pre-Inspection Checklist

Starting with a pre-inspection can provide you with pertinent information upfront and have any concerns brought to your attention before any buyers walk through your home. Whether or not you decide to make any repairs, having the information can help you with other areas, such as no surprises coming your way and listing price. 

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prepare home exterior for inspection philadelphia

Ensure Access to Home and Prepare Your Exterior

The first step in getting your home ready for inspection is accessibility. Ensuring the inspector will have easy access to your property is crucial. Be sure to remove anything blocking water heaters, furnaces, and other important utilities. And don’t forget the exterior—clearing windows, doors, paths of any overgrowth, and putting away trash cans and other loose items.

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prepare home interior for inspection in philly

Home’s Interior Preparation

Working your way to the inside, a deep clean and decluttering is highly recommended. Some inspection access points include the furnace filter, stove/oven, and clearing entryways to the attic and any crawl spaces, which is extremely helpful. Be sure to snake any clogged drains, clear the dryer vent, and fix that running toilet!


Don’t forget to test what you can. This can include opening and closing windows, testing locks and light switches, flushing toilets, running faucets, etc.

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check home detectors before home inspection

Safety is Key

Safety is very important to potential buyers. Replacing batteries, testing all detectors, repairing any water damage, and replacing light bulbs are just a few of the many ways to update safety precautions in your home. 


Prepare for Home Inspector Arrival

So, your inspector is on their way? Ensure all utilities are on, clear out the washer, dryer, sink, and dishwasher, and have any paperwork needed (maintenance, insurance, repairs, etc) handy. 


Once the home inspector arrives, they will review structural areas, the roof, any water damage or plumbing problems, appliances, electrical concerns, HVAC, termite damage, and any other area of the home for any potential concerns. 

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schedule home inspection in philadelphia

Schedule Your Home Inspection Today

Preparing for a home inspection in Philadelphia requires attention to detail and proactive measures. Communicating openly with your inspector and seeking clarification on any concerns that may arise during the inspection process can help ensure a smoother and more comprehensive experience. This will give you a clearer understanding of your property’s condition and potential areas for improvement.


Now that you have what you need to prepare for a home inspection, schedule with us today

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When getting a home inspection, it is important to prepare yourself for potential concerns that you can find. This blog post will cover some common issues that may arise during an inspection. Inspecting these areas ensures that your home is safe and sound for you and your family.

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home roof inspection philadelphia


One of the first areas that may have some concerns is the roof, especially since a faulty roof can lead to numerous other home issues. The inspector checks for leaks, venting and insulation, compromised vents and gutters, the roofing material and installation condition, water damage, and other areas. Roofing repairs can be costly, so it’s important this area is thoroughly reviewed, whether you are buying or selling the home.

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electrical home inspection philadelphia

Electrical Wiring

Another area that can cause concern is electrical wiring. Many fires are started each year in the home due to improper wiring. Some frequent areas that can cause red flags include frayed insulation, wiring not installed by a professional, exposed or damaged wiring, over-fusing, and more. The home inspector will review the GFCIs throughout the house, test all outlets, and evaluate the electrical panels. Getting these areas checked is essential for safety purposes and to prevent fire hazards. 

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plumbing home inspectors in philadelphia


Another important area of concern is plumbing. It’s crucial to have an inspection done on your plumbing system to avoid any unexpected and costly repairs down the line. Your inspector will thoroughly examine faucets, showers, drains, water pressure, visible pipes, and the water shut-off valve to ensure everything is in good working order.

The inspector may find plumbing issues such as leaks, drainage issues, outdated materials, etc. 

Hidden leaks can lead to moisture, which can lead to mold and rot. Keep an eye out for things like a spike in your water bill, low water pressure, leaks, and water stains.

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mold inspection philadelphia


Another area to ensure is properly evaluated is mold. It’s crucial to thoroughly assess the presence of mold, as it poses a significant health risk. If any mold is detected, it should be dealt with promptly. Mold can be hard to see as it can be hidden in numerous spaces, especially around water-soaked areas. Our home inspectors will look for mold-like substances but do not automatically test for them. Upon request, we offer surface mold tests if you suspect mold in the home. 

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foundation inspection philly


One of the last (but certainly not least) areas we will cover is the foundation, another costly area to repair. During the foundation inspection, we will be assessing various areas, including but not limited to cracks, leaks, bowing, water-wicking, and uneven floors. Cracking in the foundation is a major concern, as it can lead to various other issues. You should be aware that there are many reasons why a foundation can crack, such as tree roots, inadequate reinforcement, and natural causes, among others.

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home inspections in philly

Home Inspection Checklist: Don’t Miss These Crucial Areas!

The inspection doesn’t stop here. Many more areas need to be evaluated thoroughly, such as the exterior, HVAC, water heater, wood rot, drainage, termite damage, asbestos, and overall structure. Gathering this information, whether buying or selling a home, is crucial to ensure safety and assess costs. Skipping this critical step could lead to costly mistakes down the line.

Eagle Inspections are home inspectors in Philadelphia trained to examine various aspects of a home thoroughly. Remember, a home inspection is an investment in your future, so it is essential to take it seriously and be prepared for any concerns that may arise. 

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Have you ever wondered what key qualities, skills, and certifications you should be vetting when selecting a home inspector? Here are some tips and information on differentiating red and green flags. Is the inspector currently and properly certified? Ask for proof of certification. Ask questions such as if they have completed any recent continuing education.

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home inspections in philadelphia

Ask Questions

Asking questions is always a plus when getting into business with someone new! How long have they been a home inspector? What amount of relevant experience do they have? What types of inspections do they perform? Do they have skills in other relevant trades? Any advanced technology they use during the inspection? Gauging their responsiveness is also a great way to know if you’re making the right decision. It never hurts to ask; the more information you have, the better! 

Inspection Process and Report

Another area to focus on is the home inspection process and report. How long does the inspection take, and can I be present? How long does the turnaround on your inspection report typically take, and do you have a sample report I can review? Don’t forget to ask about the home inspection cost! Total cost and any specialized inspections for radon, termite, mold, or sewer scope inspections are an additional fee. You should know what you’re getting up front!

Look for Red Flags

There are business qualities you can look out for right away – before even initiating contact. Does the company have positive reviews? Do they have a legitimate website with up-to-date information, sample reports, and other vital facts about the company? How relevant are their social media and search engine results? Little to no web presence can be a significant red flag. 

Some other ways of finding information besides internet searches and social media are methods like word of mouth (first-hand recommendations go a long way!), asking real estate agents for referrals, as well as investors. 

It’s pertinent to take the appropriate steps when selecting a home inspector. Research is key, and the options for finding out information are endless! 

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Find the Right Home Inspectors Near You

When choosing a home inspector, it’s essential to consider their qualifications, experience, reputation, and the scope of their inspections. Look for licensed, certified inspectors with a strong track record of thorough and unbiased assessments. Eagle Inspections is a reputable choice due to its experienced team of inspectors in Philadelphia who adhere to rigorous industry standards and provide comprehensive evaluations, helping homebuyers confidently make informed decisions.

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Have you ever wondered what happens after a home inspection? The inspector will provide the homeowner with a detailed inspection report covering everything the home inspector reviewed and found. In this article, we will delve into what happens after a home inspection in Philadelphia and the surrounding area, focusing on the components of a home inspection report and the subsequent actions that buyers might take based on its findings.

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home inspectors in philadelphia

Results of the Home Inspection

After the home inspection is conducted, the home inspector in Philadelphia will compile a detailed report outlining their findings. 

When you receive the report, you must take the time to read through the information. It’s essential to review any safety or significant issues. This report typically includes information about the condition of the home’s various components, including but not limited to the foundation, roof, electrical systems, HVAC, plumbing, and more. The report will highlight any issues or areas of concern that were identified during the inspection. Homebuyers can then review this report and decide how to proceed. 

If you have questions or need further information, contact your inspector, and ask! It’s pertinent you understand the information before moving forward with any repairs or moving forward with the home in general.

Next Steps After a Home Inspection

Ask a Professional

If you do see areas of concern, don’t fret. Issues can vary from minor to major, and prioritization is critical. Ask a professional and get more information. Real estate agents, contractors, plumbers, electricians, and other trained individuals can help guide you through the appropriate steps. Once you have all the necessary facts, prioritize and negotiate!

After reviewing everything and speaking to the appropriate professionals, suppose you don’t feel completely satisfied with the price, repair amount, or other areas. In that case, there is nothing wrong with walking away. Remember to think long-term about your happiness, financial situation, and what you really want!

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Importance of a Home Inspection Report

A home inspection report is essential for making educational decisions, asking appropriate questions, making confident negotiations, and much more. When investing in a property, you want to be fully prepared, and a home inspection will allow you to be! Just remember to consider the inspection cost as a valuable investment in ensuring the integrity of the property you’re considering purchasing. The home inspection cost in Philadelphia can vary depending on factors such as the home’s size and the inspection’s extent.

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If you are buying a home in Philadelphia or the surrounding area, there are many areas of a home inspection that are pertinent in ensuring you have the information to make proper decisions.

We’ll explore some of the common items checked by a home inspector, shedding light on the vital components that can significantly impact the value and safety of a home.

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common items in a home inspection Philadelphia

Plumbing Inspection

One area is plumbing. Some areas the home inspector visually checks are all supply and waste lines and operating all faucets, toilets, and showers. Inspectors stress test waste lines by running the water during the inspection time. Reviewing these areas will assist the homebuyer in getting in front of any concerning areas. 

HVAC Inspection

Heating is another viral area that is thoroughly reviewed. The home inspector operates the heating system, confirms ignition, and checks the heating delivery system to ensure heat goes to every room. Inspectors utilize their temperature guns in each room to verify the heat is working and will provide the results in the report.

Structural Home Inspection 

Inspecting all foundation and structural components of the home will ensure no defects, signs, or movement. Additionally, the inspector visually examines the roof systems to determine the age, type of roofing and identify any defects and issues. This way, we can offer solutions for repair or a budget for future roof replacement if needed. 

Electrical Home Inspection

It is pertinent that electrical systems are inspected during the process. The inspector confirms the amperage of the house and makes sure the house has the appropriate amount of power to operate the home. They will also ensure the main panel is safe and all wires match the breakers. This is extremely important to ensure the safety of the building and identify ways to move forward. 

Cooling System Inspection

When the temperature is correct, the inspector will check the cooling for efficiency and functionality. They will also check to ensure the air conditioner is sized appropriately for that particular home. If the structure size is wrong, the system won’t work correctly, typically due to humidity or too much energy—another vital information area when purchasing a home.

Interior and Exterior Home Inspection

Ever wonder about walls, windows, doors, and ceilings? The inspector visually inspects these items, ensuring they are safe and functional. Don’t forget about driveways and sidewalks. The inspector visually examines the driveway and any sidewalks for safety purposes. These are all areas you’d want peace of mind with when purchasing a home. 

Home Attic Inspection 

We inspect homes from top to bottom, moving up to the attic. By inspecting the attic, the inspector checks to see if there are any leaks from the roof and that the insulation is properly installed. Also, the inspector can discover electrical concerns, such as exposed wires and electricity that feeds the electrical circuits. 

Home Insulation Inspection

Speaking of installation, the inspector will check for the type of insulation and the functionality of the insulation. Insulation is important because it protects the interior conditioned areas of the home, including air conditioning and heating. 

Basement Inspection

Two other areas include grading and water penetration. The inspector will check to ensure the house is protected from groundwater intrusion outside the home and check for water penetration, whether it is plumbing or environmental.

Garage Inspection

Last, and certainly, not least, the inspector treats the garage like an extension of the house – because it is! The inspector will visually inspect the electricity, plumbing, and roof. 

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home inspectors in philly

Contact a Home Inspector Today!

Never skip a home inspection in Philadelphia! All of these areas are extremely important to assess the safety and structure of a home so you can make decisions for any necessary concerns and future improvements.

That is why investing in a comprehensive home inspection is essential if you’re a prospective buyer seeking peace of mind. The insights gained from this assessment can help ensure a smooth and successful real estate transaction, giving all parties involved greater confidence and a more straightforward path to homeownership.

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Attending the inspection is not mandatory for a home buyer in the Philadelphia area, but is highly encouraged.  Home buyers are encouraged to attend the home inspection because buying a home is the biggest investment for most people in their lifetimes.  As a buyer, you want to know exactly what you are purchasing and you want to know as much about the house as possible.  Eagle Inspections provides an educational experience during the home inspection. You will learn about the home’s condition, how things work, and how to maintain the home.  Attending the home inspection helps to make the buyer aware of costs and repairs required immediately and over time as well. 

A home inspection can take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours on average, this gives the home buyer a chance to spend time at the home. This is likely the most time the home buyer will get to spend in the home before it’s officially their home! Don’t skip it. 

home inspectors near me Philadelphia

In conclusion, while you don’t need to be present during a home inspection in Philly, it’s highly recommended. Being present during the inspection will give you a better understanding of the condition of the property, and allow you to ask the inspector any questions you may have. Additionally, being there for the inspection can help you avoid any surprises that may come up later on, and give you peace of mind knowing that you’ve thoroughly examined the property before making a purchase.

However, if you’re unable to attend the inspection, it’s important to find a reputable home inspector in Philadephia, PA that you trust and ensure that you receive a thorough report. Make sure to review the report carefully, ask any questions you may have, and address any issues before finalizing the sale.

Overall, while you don’t need to be present, it can be a valuable experience that provides you with important information about the property you’re considering purchasing.

At Eagle Inspections, we provide a thorough and detailed inspection report with pictures and recommendations. Although the inspection report is very helpful, there’s nothing like being on-site during the inspection. You can ask unlimited questions and you can see and understand issues better in person. How often do you get a building expert in your home?  Take advantage of that opportunity and utilize your home inspector.  Contact us today!

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